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  • Jobs Australia “Communities of Interest”
  • Discounted rates on all events, workshops, training and education
  • Discounted rates on bespoke training and education
  • Discounted fees for expert Workplace Relations consultancy including coaching, mentoring, mediation, investigation or bespoke services
  • Awards, pay tables and agreements
  • The Blanket Cover Insurance Program
  • “The Link” – our exclusive newsletter
  • Subscription mailing list for insurance policy holders
  • Mailing list (opt in)
  • Tailored services and products


  • Human Resource Management
  • Industrial Relations


  • Full voting rights at Jobs Australia elections
  • Employment Service Provider Peak Body Representation (including employment pathways)
  • Representation for education, training and skills development providers
  • Representation of community services associated with employment and training pathways


 Before completing your membership application, please ensure your organisation is eligible to become a Member of Jobs Australia Limited.

Your organisation will be eligible for a Jobs Australia membership if:

  1. It is a Not for Profit entity incorporated under Australian Federal or State legislation; and
  2. It is engaged in the delivery of programs and services to assist unemployed and/or socially disadvantaged people.

Your organisation may take any form (e.g. a company, trust, co-operative or otherwise).

Examples of potentially eligible Members include:

  • Not for Profits incorporated by registration as companies under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  • Charities registered as Not for Profits under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth)
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisations registered with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporation under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth)
  • Not for Profits registered or however else incorporated under applicable State and Territory Associations Incorporation Acts
  • Entities incorporated under other Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation


Full Member

Jobs Australia Full Members are Not for Profit organisations who provide diverse employment services and pathways, education, training and skills development programs.

Associate Member

Jobs Australia Associate Members are Not for Profit community and social service organisations that directly or indirectly assist people to fully participate in society economically and socially through the services they deliver.